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Intel Pentium Processors英特尔奔腾处理器

Intel Pentium Processors英特尔奔腾处理器

  • Posted March 22, 2014, 1:53 p.m. – 9 years, 4 months ago
  • 发布于2014年3月22日,下午1:53-9年4个月前


最初被称为 i586的英特尔无法为这个产品名称注册商标,因此通过美国营销公司 Lexicon Brding,Pentium 这个名称诞生了。该公司的产品包括苹果(Apple)的 PowerBook 和黑莓(Blackberry)的 PowerBook。英特尔注册了奔腾这个商标,这是一个成功的例子,后来英特尔的首席执行官证实,奔腾确实是一个比英特尔本身更受认可的品牌。

自1989年以来一直致力于这项设计,随着奔腾的推出,第一代超标量结构芯片问世,允许通过双管道提供更快的吞吐量,60-66 MHz 芯片还包括一个改进的更快的浮点单元(FPU)。后一个特性将给英特尔带来一段困难的时期,因为它发现了一个叫做 FDIV 的缺陷,公司不得不为所有客户提供替换芯片,尽管这个问题本身只有少数人经历过,因为它涉及到在完成复杂的数学计算时偶尔产生的错误结果。

奔腾系列产品包括1995年推出的奔腾专业版(Pentium Pro) ,该产品提供了英特尔的 p6微架构; 奔腾 MMX 增加了57个 MMX 指令,提高了多媒体任务的性能。随着移动市场的增长,英特尔于次年推出了奔腾 II,奔腾 III 于1999年2月上市。

2000年,英特尔推出了首次采用 NetBurst 微架构的奔腾4,提供了更高的时钟频率; 2003年,英特尔再次推出了奔腾 M,提供了更高的功率效率。2006年标志着奔腾双核技术的首次亮相和英特尔命名过程的改变,从那时起,英特尔的 Core微架构将随着其英特尔酷睿2双核处理器的发布而出现,随后在2010年和2012年发布了第二代和第三代处理器。

英特尔仍在使用奔腾这个名字,可以发现它是新微架构的发布,包括桑迪桥(Sandy Bridge)、尼黑勒姆和艾薇桥(Ivy Bridge)。

March 22nd marked the anniversary of Intel’s release of fifth generation microarchitecture with the Pentium processors making their first appearance in 1993. X86 compatible, the Pentiums superseded Intel’s 486 technology and became a global brand which has extended over 2 decades.

Originally known as the i586, Intel were unable to trademark this product name and therefore through Lexicon Branding, the American marketing company whose name creations include the PowerBook for Apple and Blackberry, the Pentium name was born. Intel trademarked the name Pentium, and such was the success that in later years Intel’s CEO confirmed that Pentium was indeed a more recognised brand than Intel itself.

Having been working on the design since 1989, with the launch of Pentium came the first generation of chips to over superscalar architecture, allowing for faster throughput through dual pipelines, and with 3.1million transistors the 60-66 MHz chip also included an improved faster floating point unit (FPU). This latter feature would result in a difficult time for Intel following the discovery of what was named the FDIV bug, with the company having to offer replacement chips to all customers even though the problem itself was only ever experience by a select few as it involved occasional generation of incorrect results when completing complex math calculation.

The Pentium range grew to include the Pentium Pro launched in 1995 which provided Intel’s P6 microarchitecture, and the Pentium MMX which allowed for improved performance on multimedia tasks with the addition of 57 MMX instructions. With the growth in the mobile market, Intel launched the Pentium II the following year, with the Pentium III then appearing in February 1999.

Intel offered higher clock frequencies with the Pentium 4 in 2000 which featured NetBurst microarchitecture for the first time, and in 2003 introduced the Pentium M again offering greater power efficiency. 2006 marked the first appearance of Pentium Dual-Core technology and a change in Intel’s naming process, from then on Intel’s Core microarchitecture would feature with the release of its’ Intel Core 2 Duo Processors followed by the 2nd and 3rd generation releases in 2010 and 2012.

The Pentium name continues to remain in use by Intel and can be found it is releases of new microarchitecture including Sandy Bridge, Nehalem and Ivy Bridge.

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